Todokai International
Todokai International

The way of Shotokan karate

Poème et caractères
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Kokusai Todokai, Dento Shotokan Karate-do
国際透道会伝 鍍松濤館空手道
Todokai International and the way of traditional Shotokan karate

The human being wants to become a balance person in his heart, body and soul. How can we become a balanced person? Karate-dô is a way among others.
In the traditional karate, a master wants us to pass by three stages if we want to master our art: obedience to tradition, traditional divergence or beaking away with the tradition and transcending the tradition. The shotokan karate of the Todokai does not make any exception and want our members to evolve according to those principles.
Furthermore, Todokai transmits the fundamental values of the Ni ju kun written by Gichin Funakoshi O’sensei, the five maxims of the dôjô kun, respect, to endeavour, self-control, sincerity, determination, rigor and discipline.
The founder of Todokai, Master Toru Yamaguchi is the chief instructor. He has come many times in Canada as guest instructor. He has given seminar in more than 80 countries, for examples: Canada, France, and Morocco …
Master Toru Yamaguchi's pedagogical approach aims to form balanced human being. The harmony of the body, the heart and the soul is the essence of this approach. When we have found this balance, we have to continue our ascent and maintain this balance while growing in the karate-do.

What is karate?
Karate is a life time experience,
Why giving so much importance to the outside of it,
When the essence is the enrichment from within,
but if someone is seeking for this enrichment,
he does not see it,
he lives it, he feels it
Alain Faucher Sensei

What is Karate-Dô?
The main goal in karate is not to win but not to lose.
The one who wants absolutely to win is the real loser:
He injures others and himself both physically and mentally.
The day, Truth rises, the one who always tries to win
Will find himself lonesome.
On the other hand, the one who does not want to lose
Is aware of the offensive and defensive,
And he is willing to compromise
In peace with the others and himself

Alain Faucher Sensei
The instructor’s task
An instructor must show the exterior of the technique
And the path of the endurance during the technique
This way the students will discover the technique from within
This is the essence of karate
And the loyalty to his art
Alain Faucher Sensei

From November 28 to December 29 2014
On the weekend of November 28th, Sensei Alain Faucher visited Todokai Edmundston dojo to provide training and... More info
Few members of Todokai Canada as well as other students from the Montreal region were keen to emphasize the 4th... More info
From May 27 to May 29 2016
 For more information regarding this event, please contact Rejean Landry at... More info
From June 03 to June 05 2016
Please contact M. Jean-Francois Caron for any details regarding this event at... More info